What To Expect After the Sale
What happens to my items that do not sale?
If your items do not sale, you are more than welcome to come pick them up on September 7th from 3 - 5PM. It will be your responsibility to locate your unsold items on the sales floor.
Any items that are not picked up will be considered Next2New Kids Resale's property. We will be finding a worthy cause and donating all unsold items that have not been picked up.
How will I receive payment for sold items?
Your checks will be mailed out the week after the sale. Please be sure your mailing address is correct on your account!
Can I check to see what items of mine have sold?
YES! One of the perks of our system is that you can log in to your account and view sold items during and after the sale.
We LOVED this resale event! Will your have another one?
We are so glad you asked! YES!!!! With our Spring 2024 Resale event being such a success, we cannot image a world without another one... and another one. Follow us on FB for updates about upcoming events.